Posted by
Michael Adams
4:14 pm
Welcome to my Childhood Obesity blog. It contains news and articles about childhood obesity and also contains information on how to stop your child falling vicim to childhood obesity
Your child cannot stop themself from becoming obese. Nor can they loose weight by themselves. If you want to ensure that your child doesn’t suffer from childhood obesity then you will have to make changes to the whole family. Childhood obesity is usually caused by not enough exercise and too much food. This is why creating new family routines and eating habits will drastically alter your child’s weight and prevent childhood obesity.
Small progressive steps are much better than large ones that no one is willing to go along with.
• It’s not a race. Don’t try and rush the changes incorporate them slowly.
• Make the changes small. Foe example turn the tv off during meals or go for a family walk once a week.
• Set both individual and family goals. This will give you something to aim for and may provoke friendly competition which will help.
The new goals will be hard but if you follow the 3 above rules and you are determined you and your child will be able to battle not only childhood obesity but family obesity.
Reference: the mayo clinic-
childhood obesity
Posted by
Michael Adams
3:00 pm
Labels: Beat Childhood Obesity, Childhood Obesity
Have healthy snacks avaliable rather than chocolate bars and other high calorie foods. You also need to build physical activity into your lifestyle. Whether this is family exercise or just your child playing outside it needs to be done. One of the most successful forms of physical activity is at clubs. For example swimming and karate are very good sports as they are individual and you can go at your own pace. Also your whole family could and should participate. Taking any TV’s and computers out of your childs bedroom will also help to create a healthy environment and combat childhood obesity, although if you take the TV out of your childs bedroom ensure that you also take it out of your bedroom to.
You’ve all got to follow the rules.
Reference: the mayo clinic-
Posted by
Michael Adams
2:59 pm
Labels: Childhood Obesity
I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that the changes are going to be easy. Especially if you are a busy family juggling busy schedules but if you stick to it you will succeed. To help your child succeed you should give them rewards for reaching their goals. However these rewards should not be based on food in anyway. They instead should involve family outings such as ice skating or swimming. Or Equipment so that your child can participate in even more physical activity. With this information you and your child will combat childhood obesity.
Reference: the mayo clinic-
Posted by
Michael Adams
2:53 pm
Labels: Beat Childhood Obesity
Childhood obesity is a growing epidemic in the U.S and the U.K. It is a very serious issue which can lead to many health and social consequences which can continue into later life. It is important that we implement prevention programmes and get a better understanding of childhood obesity. However it is not as simple as this as the science behind childhood obesity is highly complex and can vary between individuals. However medical advice and common sense are usually the safest and most effective ways of reducing childhood obesity in your child.
Reference: American Obesity Association-
Posted by
Michael Adams
12:54 pm
Labels: Childhood Obesity
Roughly 15.3% of children (aged 6-11) suffer from childhood obesity as do about 15.5% of adolescents. The rise in these percentages has been drastic over the past two decades.
Prevalence of Obese Children
(Ages 6 to 11) at the
95th percentile of
Body Mass Index (BMI)
1999 to 2000 15.3%
1988 to 1994 11%
1976 to 1980 7%
Prevalence of Obese Adolescents
(Ages 12 to 19) at the
95th percentile of
Body Mass Index (BMI)
1999 to 2000 15.5%
1988 to 1994 11%
1976 to 1980 5%
The 95th percentile is used as a reference point for childhood obesity. So as you can see childhood obesity has risen over 10% in 12-19 year olds and over 8% in children aged 6-11. In theory at the rate of increases continues then within two decades over 30% of children will suffer from childhood obesity.
Refrence- American Obesity Asociation-
Posted by
Michael Adams
12:52 pm
Labels: Increase of Childhood Obesity
Many different factors contribute to the cause of childhood obesity. These can be split into modifiable and non-changeable causes.
• Low family income and unemployed parents
•Over-exposure to adverts of junk food and video games/tv programmes
•Lack of physical activity
•Anything that takes up time which could be spend doing physical activity. E.g. watching TV or playing video games.
•Eating high calorie and high in fat foods. Also eating snacks when you are not actually hungry
•If you have overweight or obese parents you may be more genetically prone to obesity.
Refernce: American Obesity Association-
Posted by
Michael Adams
12:50 pm
The only way in which you can really help to prevent your child falling victim to childhood obesity is to teach them about healthy behaviours.
A lot of parents are concerned with their child’s weight and the negative effect that schools are having on it. Some schools are proposing to remove or reduce recess and don’t teach children about childhood obesity. A small percentage of parents said that they feel that childhood obesity is the greatest risk to their long term health.
In order to help prevent childhood obesity at home you should create an active environment with little TV and a lot of physical activity. The physical activity is only effective if it is something that the children are interested in doing. Swimming, tennis or karate are good examples of this.
You also need to create a healthy eating environment. Serve low in calories and fat meals when your child is at home. Don’t do any other activity while eating dinner sit down as a family and all eat the same meal at the same time. Most schools do provide a good nutrition lunch for your child so you do not need to worry about this too much.
Reference American Obesity Association-
Posted by
Michael Adams
12:46 pm
There are two main methods that can be used to loose weight and beat childhood obesity.
Firstly you should change your eating habits. Ensure that you eat three balanced meals a day and do not snack in between. Also try and avoid watching TV during meal times.
However this will not make a great difference without exercise. Start of exercising once a week. Individual sports such as swimming or karate are best as you can go at your own pace and build up slowly. I suggest an hour worth of exercise a week in order to build up confidence but then this should be increased to two hours and then eventually three within 6 months. Make sure the exercise is regular and interesting. In order to keep your child exercising.
It is not as easy as it sounds but with these two improvements to your childs life they will be able to beat childhood obesity.
Referece American Obesity Association
Posted by
Michael Adams
11:29 am
Labels: Beat Childhood Obesity
Childhood obesity, as most people now know, is effected by many behavioral factors. In addition to the behavioral changes that may be required by changing the way your child eats and how much physical activity they engage in every day, you must observe at other factors in their behavior, and in the behavior of the teachers, coaches, family members and friends that surround your child.A family is the nucleus cell that we all nourish and learn from, ideally a family is supportive and encouraging, this is usually true of parents, but the issue of siblings is completely different. If oyu feel that all members of the family do not act as one, on an active support that is ongoing and loving, you will need to make sure your family meetings and talks are devoted to getting everyone behind this.If your child is overweight or obese, they need your support more than ever! Self-esteem and confidence issues abound in overweight children. Try not to criticize them, harp on them or berate them for their weight. Let your child know he is loved and appreciated and address his weight issue with positive confidence. Do not make jokes about your child situations, this is not the place in which humor helps, do not try and place blame on the child as this will probably result in the opposite of what you want. Simply let him know that you will work on this issue together and that there is nothing ‘wrong with’ him because he is overweight.Make sure that you have a clear picture of your child life, at school, socially and elsewhere, if he is suffering from abuse from other children, even from his friends, or is suffering a more direct aggressive bullying problems. Work on rebuilding the child confidence by focusing on what he does well and by constantly reinforcing the idea that everyone is special and everyone has problems – he is no different, no better or worse than anyone else, no matter how little confidence he may have at this time. Keep the main focus on health and not esthetics, or weight, stress the importance of health. Focus on gradual changes in your family physical activity and nutrition and allow plenty of time for everyone to adjust and to feel good about the small changes they are making.These are huge changes you need to make and the first baby steps are crucial for you and your child to feel that it is within your power to make the change, so pay careful attention to the start, as it may prove to be the most important part, with many teenagers the first step is the most important to recover their confidence and self esteem. Setting smaller goals will also allow your child to lose weight gradually and to ‘grow into’ their additional weight as they grow in height. Some children have a lot of weight to lose and they will have longer-term goals with lots of short-term milestones to keep them motivated. For these children, you may want to consider rewards or recognition.I hope you found this information helpful, I wish you and you family the best of luck in reducing and fighting childhood obesity.
Article Source:
John Furnem specializes in work psychology and Stress disorders, he has written articles and held workshops/seminars on the effect of stress on children and adults . John writes articles on Childhood Obesity for
Posted by
Michael Adams
6:35 pm
Labels: Childhood Obesity
Many people believe that the cause of childhood obesity is due to over eating and laziness and to an extent they are right but the main cause of childhood obesity are two reasons. The child’s DNA and their parents. If people in the child's family have been struggling with weight gain for most of their life then the genes in that child will make them more susceptible to follow the same pattern, but that can be prevented by healthy eating and exercise which is where the parents come in. Children imitate their parents behaviour so if the parents were to eat healthily and live active lifestyles the child is sure to follow but in this day and age that is not the case and because more adults are going down the road of obesity more children are following them and ultimately suffering at the same hand of fate as their parents although it could easily be prevented!Parents have the most influence on their child's life, they have the power to show the child that over eating and that lack of exercise is not acceptable in a young person’s life and this is the cause of obesity problems later on in life. Obesity has some dreadful side affects and day to day life can be very unpleasant and simple tasks such as climbing stairs, taking a shower and other general things take more time and more effort because of the extra weight. This is even worse for a child, they need to be active and have fun!The causes of childhood obesity are not so severe that obesity can be avoided! If you we teach oour children how to live an active and healthy lifestyle there is no reason why they should become obese even if they’re family are full of obese people! Obesity is a cause and effect disease it is caused by several things over eating being the man one and the effects are horrible which complicated medical problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease! Childhood obesity can be avoided so lets try and do that, lets avoid it and help our children lead happy healthy lives with no health problems or emotional setbacks!
Article Source:
Posted by
Michael Adams
6:33 pm
Labels: Childhood Obesity
In the past few years, information on childhood obesity seems to be everywhere. The reason for this is because of the frightening rate at which the number of obese children is growing. Society is consequently trying hard to react to a worsening problem that is spreading to almost epidemic proportions. There are four main steps all parents must take in order to prevent childhood obesity in their children. Abolish soft drinks from the dietOne of the biggest problems in children’s diets today is that of carbonated soft drinks. Because of the fact that there is absolutely no nutritional value in these drinks, it is crucial that they are eliminated from the diet. This is particularly recommended by physicians and nutritionists as an important factor in combating the epidemic of childhood obesity that has become a reality of the modern era.Elimination of these drinks from your child’s diet may be a difficult process, depending upon age and the amount of consumption. If the child is at an age where he or she does not yet make a choice in what is consumed, then the process is easy. This is where you simply stop giving these drinks to the child, replacing them with more healthy alternatives. Where children are old enough to help themselves, it is important to ensure that no soft drinks are available. Stock your refrigerator with low-fat milk, water, or fruit juices made from real fruit.Remember that you are a role model for your child and therefore, it is important that you lead by example in your choice of nutritious drinks both at home and when dining out.By creating a soft drink free environment at home and teaching your child about healthier alternatives, you can help to change the thought processes. This is only one step but that step can go a long way toward helping your child to achieve or to maintain a healthy weight.Restrict fast foodFor children who are already showing signs of obesity, it is best to completely eliminate things such as hamburgers, fried chicken, chips, milkshakes and other fattening products from fast food restaurants. However, if this has been part of the child’s routine, it may be difficult. Although scientific literature gives no specific recommendations, it is believed among nutritional experts that fast food is acceptable on a once per week basis.It is not necessary to totally eliminate takeaway food from the diet but rather to help the child to make healthier choices. Many fast food restaurants are now listening to public opinion and providing a healthier range of food rather than just the traditional range that they are renowned for.To totally eliminate fast food would be unrealistic as there is also a social connection, particularly in the older children. Often this is a meeting place for friends and it would be hard for the child to resist temptation. It is crucial therefore, that parents ensure their child understands how the traditional fast foods contribute to obesity.Limit television viewingIt would be unrealistic to think of eliminating television from your child’s life not to mention deprivation. There are many programs on television these days that are beneficial to your child’s development. However, it is important to limit television viewing as well as other technology such as DVDs and internet.Child rearing professionals advocate no television at all for children under two and no more that two hours per day for children over two. This also applies to other media technology though internet surfing for homework purposes could be exempt. Remember also that if your child is spending a lot of time on the internet, it is important to have internet security software for their protection.Another way of restricting television viewing is to only have a television in the family room rather than allowing your child to have one in the bedroom. Dinner time is for enjoying the meal and also for enjoying the company and closeness of family. Turn the television off to promote conversation.Promote physical activityOne of the great regrets of our modern age is the lack of activity of our children. Imaginative play has been replaced by media technology which induces sedentary lifestyles. Our children should all be physically active every day. This can take the form of play, sport, physical education, walking to school or shops, community activities, or any other activity that requires a level of physical exertion.Pre-school children should be engaging in a minimum of three sessions each week of physical activities that last more than twenty minutes at a time and that require moderate to vigorous levels of exertion. This should increase as the child gets older. As the child reaches school age, this activity should be reaching around 30 minutes to an hour of physical activity on all or most days of the week.These recommendations will be difficult at first for the child who has been inactive so don’t expect results too quickly. Aim for fun activities with siblings or parents at first. Things such as playing a game of tag or going for a family walk in the park are better than doing nothing and will be beneficial to everyone. Gradually increase the activity during these outings. If done in a fun atmosphere, the child will look forward to these activities and it will become a natural way of life.Looking to the FutureUnfortunately, obese children often grow up to be obese adults. They are then likely to suffer diseases attributable to this obesity and the economic costs to the community are substantial.It is therefore in everybody’s interests for measures such as the abolition of soft drinks and fatty fried foods, sweets and chips and any other obesity producing foods to be banned from school tuck shops and in other areas where children frequently purchase foods. Advocating for our children’s health and for the future of this generation is of the utmost importance.Anne Wolski has worked in the health and welfare industry for more than 30 years. She is a co-director of and which are both information portals with many interesting medical articles. She is also an associate of which features many articles on internet marketing and resources.
Article Source:
Anne Wolski has worked in the health and welfare industry for more than 30 years. She is a co-director of and which are both information portals with many interesting medical articles. She is also an associate of which features many articles on internet marketing and resources.
Posted by
Michael Adams
6:03 pm
Labels: Childhood Obesity
High-calorie, low-fiber diets can promote hormonal imbalances that lead children to overeat, a recent research warns about this aspect. Current food-manufacturing practices prevalent in present world are also responsible to create such a "toxic environment" that pushes children to being overweight, said Dr. Robert Lustig. He conducted a large-scale review of obesity research. His findings were published in the August issue of the journal Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology & Metabolism. Weight loss in kids under impact of such a over eating mode need extra precautions. Present world twenty first century food environment has become highly 'insulinogenic,' as demonstrated by its increased energy density, high fat content, high glycemic index, increased fructose composition, decreased fiber, and decreased dairy content as found by Lustig. He also point out the major reasons for such a condition include the below mentioned.
"In particular, fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin," Lustig said.
He also revealed the fact that obesity in present world is the most commonly-diagnosed childhood ailment in the United States and other western countries. Diseases previously only seen in adults, such as type 2 diabetes, are now becoming widespread in children.
Children who are obese are often ridiculed and socially isolated, which puts them at risk for depression and other mental health problems, Lustig said. To make it possible for children to have a childhood of fun and enjoyment it is necessary to introduce concept of weight loss and fitness in their daily schedule.
To make such a weight loss for better children future he urged societal action to correct the problem, noting that children can't be blamed for being overweight or expected to take personal responsibility for poor dietary habits when they're surrounded by unhealthy foods. It can be said that aim for healthy weight loss starts with control on eating habit.
About the Author
Saurabh Verma is working as Sr. Web Content Developer for leading pharmacy web-site
Posted by
Michael Adams
8:08 pm
Labels: Childhood Obesity
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly one in four children in the United States is currently overweight. Research shows that this epidemic is linked to the rise in other health conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, heart conditions, and stroke.Health experts and parents are scrambling to understand the cause of this rise in childhood obesity so as to develop better methods to stop it.
While genetics certainly play a role in a child's development, many people now suggest that child obesity may be the result of heavy marketing from the fast food industry. Read on to learn more about child obesity and what you can do to reduce your child's risk.
Fast FoodSome people question the link between childhood obesity and fast food, but researchers have shown that the rise in obesity in the United States has grown along the same lines as the rise in fast food consumption. And there's no question that almost all fast food is extremely high in fat. Here's a look at some of the most popular choices:
A Big Mac, Super Size fries and a large Coke at McDonalds now contains 1500 calories,about 40 percent of those from fat.
A typical Kentucky Fried Chicken Meal of chicken drumsticks, coleslaw, mashed potatoes with gravy, and a Pepsi contains 920 calories, 36 grams of fat, and 1590 milligrams of sodium.
A Taco Supreme with Pintos and Cheese from Taco Bell contains 400 calories with over 50 percent of those from saturated fat.
What makes these foods even worse is that they are heavily marketed to America's children. It may seem innocent at first, but giving a toy with a meal, and offering play areas makes children and families think positively about these fast food meals. In reality, a meal at a fast food restaurant that is extremely high in fat, sugar, and salt leads to a rise in child obesity.
How Does TV Lead To Obesity In Children?Watching television leads to obesity in children by replacing other, more active pursuits, such as walking, biking, or simply playing outdoors. All television shows, even educational non-commercial shows, replace physical activity. And watching TV is a sedentary activity that causes the metabolic rate to go even lower than when one is at rest. This means that you can burn more calories by just sitting quietly and doing nothing than you can when you sit and watch TV.
Plus roughly two-thirds of the 20,000 TV ads an average child sees each year are for food and most are for unhealthy foods. The majority of children who watch health related commercials believe what the ads say, even if the ads do not give accurate or balanced information.
In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Ross Anderson looked at the TV watching habits of over four thousand children between the ages of eight and sixteen. Anderson found that one-fourth of American children watched four or more hours of television a day. These children weighed more and had a higher percentage of body fat than those who watched fewer than two hours of TV a day.
Overcoming Child ObesityNow that you know how fast food and TV lead to obesity in children, help your kids by following these easy tips:
Set A Good Example: Children learn from watching what we do rather than listening to what we say. If you regularly hit up the drive-through, and spend a lot of time in front of the TV, it's likely your children will too.
Set Limits: It's OK to introduce restrictions on the amount of junk food they're allowed to eat, and the amount of time they spend in front of the tube.
Get Moving: Get your kids active by making exercise a family activity. Take a walk around the block, go for a hike, or get up and dance. Any kind of activity will benefit your child's health.
Give Them Support: If your child is suffering from serious weight issues, consider a getting them a personal fitness coach or nutritionist.
About the Author
Dr. Edward F. Group III is the founder of Global Healing Center, Inc. He continues to develop, sell and evaluate exclusively high-end natural and organic healthcare products to support a wide range of health conditions. For more information, please visit
Posted by
Michael Adams
8:05 pm
Labels: Childhood Obesity
Due to the dramatic increase in obesity over the past 20 years, it has now reached epidemic proportions. Thirty percent of adults over the age of 20 are obese in the United States. That's almost 60 million people! This epidemic includes not only adults, but children as well. There are now 9 million children between the ages of 6 -19 who are considered overweight.
Obesity is defined simply as too much body fat. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of many diseases and health conditions, including the following:
*High total cholesterol
*Type 2-diabetes
*Coronary heart disease
*Gallbladder disease
*Respiratory problems
*Certain types of cancers
The epidemic of obesity did not crop up overnight. Obesity is a chronic condition caused by an assortment of factors. Because there are so many factors involved (genetics, environment, metabolism, overeating, etc.), it is very difficult to treat the problem.
For instance, a person's genetics and environment can increase their risk of obesity, but their behavior also influences their risk. It is quite easy for someone to blame heredity for their obesity, but the choices a person makes can increase or decrease their risk for obesity significantly.
If a person chooses to be physically inactive and practice unhealthy eating habits, they are not only greatly increasing their risk of obesity, but for other diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease. On the other hand, people who make healthy choices and avoid the behaviors that increase their risk can expect to live healthier and longer lives.
In the United States, our food options and eating habits have changed dramatically over the course of the past 20 years. We are faced with an astounding array of choices in the grocery store, choices that make it difficult to know what is healthy and what is not.
Shelves are packed with foods that are pre-packaged and high in fat, sugar and calories. Even foods that are marked as healthy or low-fat may contain more calories than the high-fat food they are supposed to replace. It is VERY important to always read food labels for nutritional information.
Fast food restaurants, while convenient, tend to be high in trans fats, carbohydrates and sugar. Portion size in restaurants has increased dramatically resulting in increased calorie consumption. If the body does not burn off the calories from eating the larger portions and drinking the sugar-laden soft drinks, weight gain can and will take place.
Technology has created many wonderful labor saving products. Unfortunately, many of them reduce the amount of energy we expend in our daily lives. Instead of walking or riding a bicycle for short distances, cars are used. Instead of children playing outside and getting exercise, they are sitting in the house watching television and playing video games.
Proper diet and nutrition and physical activity are the cornerstones for a healthy body, a body that will not be at risk for obesity or any other health-related disease. In order to promote regular physical activity and a nutritious diet, you must create an environment that supports this way of life or the obesity epidemic will continue to grow.
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: Adding regular physical activity contributes to an amazing array of benefits for your body. It reduces your risk for high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes, and cancer. It reduces weight, alleviates the pain of arthritis, relieves depression symptoms, and reduces the need for medications.
Whatever physical activity you participate in does not have to be exhausting to be valuable. Remember, any movement is better than none! Taking a brisk walk every day for 20-30 minutes will significantly benefit your body, physically and mentally.
HEALTHY DIET: Good nutrition, like physical activity, lowers the risk for obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis. A diet high in fruits and vegetables and low in fat builds a healthy, strong body.
Although most Americans know that a healthy diet is necessary, they are slow in changing their poor eating habits. These poor eating habits usually begin during childhood and are difficult to change later in life, but these habits CAN be changed.
Many diet and exercise plans fail because people try to make too many changes in their routine too quickly and become discouraged. The key to being successful is to make small changes slowly over the course of many months. In this way, your body will learn to accept these changes and increase your chances of overcoming obesity.
One of the most effective and healthy weight loss systems available, the BURN THE FAT program, teaches you how to force your body to burn fat and lose weight.
About the Author
Chris Chenoweth writes articles pertaining to health and nutrition, budgeting, and online business.
Posted by
Michael Adams
8:00 pm
Labels: Childhood Obesity
This world is full of injustice. I paid the full air fare for flying from New Delhi to New York. My weight is 70 kgs. The gentleman sitting next to me, almost bursting out of the seat belt, must be weighing about 200 kgs. He has also paid the same amount. Is this not injustice? Why obese people are given this preferential treatment?
All said in good humor! The obese people are to be pitied rather than condemned. They know not what they are doing- how much they are eating. To say it in clear cut terms obesity is extending a direct invitation to diabetes. Not very long ago, diabetes caught hold of the elderly and the aged. Now even the children suffer from diabetes, not the rarest of the rare cases, but quite a good percentage. It is increasing at a rapid pace.
The reason is not far off to seek. The modern mothers think that the easiest way to handle the children is to fulfill their all demands. The chocolates, the pizzas, the salty chips, cold drinks, the processed foods and what not!
The concept of right diet is not known to the children, but even the mothers wish to pretend ignorance, even if they know. Their placement of love for the children is wrong. Soon the children look like balloons and one fine day, when the doctor tells you that your kid has diabetes, you are shocked...How that can be...?
Various studies reveal that over 20 % of the world population is obese. You suffer, and you pass on this heritage to your children. You spend the whole day sitting at the office, with mental labor, without any physical labor and once you enter the house, tired and exhausted, you refuse to go out of the drawing room. Changing the channels, by push of the remote button is only your physical exercise.
Why blame anybody when you are declared to be a diabetic patient? Your diabetes is your own creation.
"Doing nothing is not an option" they say. "In 1989 a study found that five per cent of children were classified as obese. By 1998, the figure had almost doubled. The incidence of obesity is also increasing with age; according to an English survey in 1996, approximately 17 per cent of 15 year olds are obese," says Dr Penny Gibson, Consultant Paediatrician and Adviser on childhood obesity for the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
There is conclusive proof that obesity is one of the strongest causes of diabetes. Unless something tangible steps are taken all over the World, by premium Organizations like World Health Organization, the day is not far off, when we shall have diabetic families, from the child to the grandfather!
About the Author & Diabities provides detailed information on diabities, diabities diet, diabities symptoms and more.
Posted by
Michael Adams
5:57 pm
Labels: Childhood Obesity
Weight Loss Pills have made a sizeable entry in the household of modern society.
Uncontrolled lifestyle, taking excessive food - more than requirements- smoking, uncontrolled drinking of alcohol have taken their toll on the health of citizens of modern world.
Overweight and obesity are the direct impact of the above ill habits, which some times reach up to life threatening level and require immediate attention.
Weight loss pills are really miracle drugs which can reduce the body weight at least for short time. However, these drugs should be used judiciously only when the situation really warrants. If the situation is not much alarming, use of diet pills may not be effective , rather, it can harm the person.
One of the best oral medicines for weight loss is Didrex Diet Pills. This medicine is one of Benzphetamine group of medicines for treatment of overweight and obesity. For short term weight loss program this medicine may be a starter.
However, I am once regain emphasizing that use the medicine after consultation with your doctor and only when you require the medicine most when there is a life threatening situation arises due to overweight.
Didrex diet pills are appetite suppressant and reduces overall food intake of a person ultimately causing bodyweight reduction.
One you reduce for short time your body weight, I will recommend you to continue your weight loss program with Didrex, supplemented by balanced diet and regular exercise. Your weight loss will be sustained and ultimately lead into sound and disease free health.
Buy Didrex from a Prescription store against a doctors prescription who has thoroughly checked you to judge the suitability of the medicine on your body.
You will find innumerous advertisement of cheap didrex either through over the counter medicine shops or through Internet. These Internet shops will offer you didrex online with unbelievable price. Another advantage of didrex online is that you can get it even sitting at your home. However, I will suggest that you should be sure about the quality and effectiveness of the cheap didrex. Your pharmacist can guide you in this respect. Take help of him.
Now, I will highlight a few important information about didrex diet pills which should be remembered if you want to safely use it.
You should not use the drug if you have high or low blood pressure, heart disease or glaucoma.
In respect of weight reduction for women, the medicine should not be used by Pregnant or breast feeding women, as it may cause damage to the baby.
In respect of child obesity, which is rampant in the US, the drug is not suitable for children.
Persons suffering from thyroid disorder or epileptic problem, the drug may not be suitable. Consult a doctor for weight loss in such cases.
Among the many diet pills available in the market, Didrex diet pills yield most effective results for short term weight loss, if it is suitable for you as per your doctor's recommendation.
About the Author
Petr Thomas is a online editor to site . It commited to provide users with complete on health related topics like diet pills, weight loss, mens health and sexual health. Your feedback will be highly appreciated at
Posted by
Michael Adams
4:36 pm
Labels: Childhood Obesity
It's back to school time, and all across the country millions of kids are experiencing their first day of school after a long, lazy summer. Unfortunately for many of America's children, few school supply lists address what may be the most important school supply of all: a healthy lunch.
It's difficult, if not impossible, to turn on the television or radio without being bombarded with news about the American obesity epidemic. Close to two-thirds of adults in the United States are either overweight or obese, a startling reality made even more disheartening by the fact that child obesity rates are catching up fast. "Recent statistics indicate that 15.5 percent of 6 to 19 year olds and 10.4 percent of 2 to 5 year olds in the United States are overweight. The prevalence is even higher among non-Hispanic blacks (23.6 percent) and Mexican Americans (23.4 percent)" (source: Amanda Gardner, HealthDay Reporter).
"In the last 10 years alone, the number of children and adolescents diagnosed with type 2 diabetes has increased several-fold. A decade ago, we rarely diagnosed type 2 diabetes in children and teens. Now, we are seeing an epidemic increase in the incidence of type 2 diabetes in youth. The jump is phenomenal" (source: Benjamin Franklin Literary and Medical Society Nov/Dec 2004).
From the largest high schools to the tiniest elementary schools in the nation, overweight students can be found at public schools and private schools alike. So what's causing this dramatic rise in childhood obesity?
The answer is the same as it is for adults: kids are eating too much of the wrong foods and at the same time aren't getting enough exercise. "Lifestyles are clearly a contributing factor. The proportion of students attending physical education classes every day has declined from 41.6 percent in 1991 to 29.1 percent in 1999. And almost 80 percent of children aren't eating the recommended five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day" (source: Amanda Gardner, HealthDay Reporter)
Aside from pulling your kids out of the school district altogether and starting up a home school program, there are some basic steps you can take to put children's health back on the report card.
First of all, encourage your child to be more active. Although many summer school programs involve sufficient exercise and physical education, the regular school year may not. If your kid isn't getting at least an hour of active playing each day, then it's a good idea to supplement their exercise program at home. This can be as simple as going for a family bicycle ride after dinner or playing tag in the backyard.
It's also a good idea to monitor what your child is eating at school. About the time your youngster reaches middle school age, they'll find vending machines at school stuffed with kid snacks of varying nutritional value. Even if you can't control what they buy once they're at school, you can certainly regulate how much money they take with them each day.
Finally, it's important to control what goes into your child's school lunchbox. Loaded down with sugar, fat and salt, many lunchboxes are sorely lacking in fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Here's how to pack a healthy school lunch that's sure to please:
1) Permit only milk or 100 percent juice for lunchbox drinks. Beware of 'juice' drinks that contain very little juice and heaps of sugar.
2) When choosing a school lunch main dish for kids, be it the ever-popular sandwich or something more creative, use low-fat cheeses and meats. The majority of the saturated fat in children's diets comes from milk and cheese, and lunchmeats are often another dangerous source. Most grocery stores offer low-fat and fat free cheeses and meats for sandwiches, which when combined with 1 percent or fat free milk will dramatically lower the amount of artery-clogging saturated fat your child is consuming.
3) Include fruits and vegetables every single time you pack the lunchbox. A steady diet of produce reduces the risks of heart disease, cancer, blindness, stroke and, or course, obesity.
4) Choose 100% whole-wheat bread instead of white bread. Higher in fiber, whole wheat bread will make help your child feel full longer, as well as make him or her healthier.
5) Keep kid desserts to a minimum. All too often, children wolf down their dessert first and are later too full for vegetables. Consider including dessert just three times per week, or just as a treat on Friday.
Finally, ask your child what they'd like in their lunchbox! The quickest way to get an angry kid is to pack their lunch with healthy foods that they hate. Instead, give them a list of healthy foods that you are willing to put in their lunch, and let them choose. You may even consider bringing them along to the store with you so they can be part of the process of making healthy food selections.
Making smart food choices can be fun and exciting for children, allowing them to try new foods and set healthy habits for life. With some planning and a little effort, your kid's school lunch doesn't have to be a nutritional time bomb this year - or ever again!
About the Author
Tracie Johanson is the founder of Pick Up The Pace, a 30-minute exercise studio for women focusing on fitness, health and nutrition for maximum weight loss. Subscribe to our FREE weekly email newsletter, and receive a FREE weight loss e-book, just by going to and clicking on the 'Newsletter' link.
Posted by
Michael Adams
4:45 pm
Labels: Childhood Obesity
Children all over America are suffering from a new epidemic. Between the fatty foods that we are feeding them and their immense lack of any exercise, they are all quickly becoming overweight and obese right before our eyes. You can blame it on whatever you want from spending too much time in front of the television to eating far too many fatty foods, but the truth of the matter is that they are simply not getting enough outdoor exercise anymore. Whether it is from concerns about air contaminated by smog or simply because kids these days will use any excuse not to go outside whenever possible, the majority of children receive little to no exercise on a daily basis. Even though PE classes and walking around a schools campus all day long is a start to help kids get back into shape, they need to spend more time being physical while at home too if they ever hope to shed the pounds. One of the best ways to get kids to head back outside is to treat them to a variety of fun toys from an outdoor toy store toys which must be used outdoors or not at all.
The process of moving your kids from the living room out onto your grass is going to be a long and lengthy one. Many kids are firmly planted to the couch and cannot be budged unless you bribe them in some way, shape or form. Next time you and your family head out to your local shopping center, do some research and check out which stores have an outdoor toy store section that may sell some great outdoor toys and games. If you take your kid into the outdoor toy section, he or she may become amazed by some of the great things they offer. From gliders to playground sets to trampolines, there is practically nothing there that any average kid wouldnt go bananas for. Once you have your kid hooked on some of the cool outdoor toys, you can surprise him or her by simply bringing that toy home one day. Your kid will love it, love you for it and will likely begin to make great strides to break himself from the chains that bind him to the couch in front of the television. Unfortunately, as with all toys, the fun factor of whatever you purchase may wear out over time, but the seeds are planted, and after you are able to get your kid outside once you can easily do it again, possibly even without the need for toys from an outdoor toy store.
About the Author
For vital information on all things concerned with outdoor toys visit Outdoor Toys
Posted by
Michael Adams
4:38 pm
Labels: Childhood Obesity
Kid's health is one of the major problems faced by almost all parents around the world. In most part of the western countries, obesity and over weight problem is causing serious worries to the parents and as well as to the government. Both these problems needs to be controlled at early stages of life; so that future of your kids will be safe and secure from various diseases. Due to various types of junk foods, such as bakery products, fast food and oily stuffs, health of your child is affected. These unhealthy foodstuffs lead to lack of concentration in school and other learning aspects of social skills. So proper attention towards the health of your kid is needs to be provided by parents and healthy food with sufficient calories must be monitored along with regular exercises and daily workouts. Here are some of the guidelines that will help parents to look after their kids properly.Carry out regular check up of your kid from family doctor and provide healthy diet to the kid as prescribed by the doctor.Motivate kids for regular and simple exercises such as walking, daily warm up and if possible swimming.
Most of the parents do not get time to look after their kids and normally kids are on the mercy of the maidservants. This should not happen and regular attention must be provided to the kids so that they are well nourished.Due to various facilities of entertainments such as television, computers, movies and various cartoon channels, normally kids don't get sufficient time to carry out exercises. Thus, yoga is another alternative that can help in reducing extra weight along with improving strength and body coordination.Avoid providing junk foods, bakery products, chocolates, oily foodstuffs and unhealthy food to the kids.Balanced diet is must be provided to the kids to get rid of avoidable diseases such as obesity and overweight disorders.Healthy eating habits help kids in physical and mental development. So fix proper timing of meals and restrict untimely snacks and various foodstuffs that are of low calorie.At least once in a day, have meals with kids and tell them the benefits of balanced healthy diet and advice them to stay away from junk food.In most of the cases, it is found that kids follow the habits of parents so it is better that parents should first change their unhealthy eating habits and carry out regular exercises along with kids. This will help kids as well as parents to look after their own health and in turn eliminate chances of obesity and overweight.
By Mark MegaParents, writer for, a blog packed with information about Parenting and Family Life! Don't for get to visit!You may distribute this article freely but please leave the credits as mentioned above. Thank you.
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The team provides information on parenting and family health!
Posted by
Michael Adams
4:34 pm
Labels: Childhood Obesity
It is well known that obesity or being overweight is a growing epidemic among children, leading to increases in diabetes and other serious health effects. Following a weight loss programs for children will help the kids in problems with the obesity.
It is also well known what you have to do to lose weight, by eating less and exercising more. The problem is that it is hard to stay motivated to do these things.
How do you help your children lose weight?
It can help to stick to the basics. Don't worry about counting calories and carbohydrates and fat grams. Instead, provide healthy meals and snacks and encourage regular physical activity.
If your child is already overweight, you will likely have to make some changes to his diet. But this isn't as hard as you think. It doesn't have to involve counting every calorie that he eats and drinks, which can be especially hard when your kids are eating at school.
Instead, keep in mind that a pound is equal to about 3500 calories. So if your child is gaining an extra pound a week, he needs to cut his diet back by 3500 calories a week or 500 calories a day so that he doesn't gain any more weight.
An important first goal for most overweight kids is to simply stop gaining weight.
Again, not gaining any more extra weight is an important first goal, but many overweight kids also need to lose some weight. You can use the same calculations to figure out how much more to cut your child's daily calories by to lose weight. So, once your child is at a stable weight and not gaining, if you want to help your child lose 5 pounds a year, cut his diet back by 50 calories a day. To lose 10 pounds, eliminate 100 calories a day, and so on.
If your child is still gaining weight, then you will have to cut more calories out of his diet. For example, if he has been gaining an extra 5 pounds a year and he needs to lose 10 pounds, then that is a total of 15 pounds that you need to compensate for. So he will need to cut back his diet by 150 calories a day.
More exercise and being more active is another good way to stop gaining and losing weight. Instead of thinking about how to diet to decrease the number of calories your child is taking in, you could also think about how much exercise he needs to do to burn those calories.
So just like we said that you had to cut back your diet by 50 calories a day to lose 5 pounds a year, you could also exercise to burn an extra 50 calories a day and lose weight.
Or even better, do a combination of both.
How can children burn 50 calories a day exercising? Your children should be able to burn 50-100 calories a day in 30-60 minutes of regular activities that children enjoy, such as walking, roller blading, bicyling, or playing baseball, basketball or soccer. Following a weight loss programs for children will help the kids in problems with the obesity.
About the Author
I am a nutritionist woman who used to be fat. After testing tens of so-called "wonder diets" I've decided to create a Weight Loss Programs Review Website, containing a top of the 3 best programs with a brief description about their features and benefits.Visit the website! It will help you make a wise decision!
Posted by
Michael Adams
4:27 pm
Labels: Childhood Obesity